Test Mode Reading Mode Right = 0 Wrong = 0

The Verb (Corrections)

All Question - (56)

Both B and C above
He nudge his companion
he nudhed his companion
He is to nudge his companion
keping cold food always cold
keeping hot food always hot
cooking food at safe temperature
not serving food properly
protect your health
Enrich your knowledge about bacteria
do not eat at any party
learn how to destroy bacteria
clean your hands before cooking
Do not go to any outside party for dinner
don not keep raw foods
cook food at safe temperature
cognate verb
principal verb
auxiliary verb
factitive verb
Ability to use language appropriately
Ability to make connection
Ability to make relationship
Ability to speak fluently

Between the fuel cells that will power the cars of the future and today's petrol and diesel engines lie hybrid internal -combustion/electric vehicles. No one now believes that battery-driven electric cars will take over:  the batteries are too heavy and run down too quickly. But cars that get their electricity from and run down too quickly. But cars that get their electricity from an internal -combustion engine acting as a generator are a reality. Two such hybrid vehicles are already selling in America and Japan. However, they cost more than normal models and weigh more than conventionally powered cars.